At the end of 2021 my life took a turn: I was diagnosed with autism. While this raised questions, it also illuminated how, since the age of eleven, I had discovered theater as a powerful medium to showcase my strengths.
This personal journey intertwines with another, lesser-known story: that of Grunya Sukhareva, a Russian psychiatrist who, in the early twentieth century, formulated the first definition of autism.
The Forest School will explore how neurodiversity and art can enrich one another and how an ensemble of non-professionals on the spectrum create a production that pushes the boundaries of inclusion and creativity.
You can follow our journey here for a whole year. This is our story—!
The Franchise Unit was made especially for the Middelheim Museum. This "mobile free state" consists of a multifunctional building with numerous facilities such as a large kitchen, sanitary facilities, energy supply and a wastewater treatment plant. The communal feeling is never far away.
Here we will work for the next 10 months.
© SABAM 2023.
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